Mission and basic goals of the HORUS Award
Mission of the HORUS Award
The mission of the HORUS Award is to encourage ethics of interdependence, holistic behaviour, active innovation and business responsibility in Slovenian organisations. With the HORUS Award, we want to strengthen awareness about social responsibility, and to alert everyone about our interdependence, which some are not fully aware of. This makes them often one-sided rather than holistic, and therefore unsuccessful. We should remember that every individual is responsible for every action inside and outside his/her organisation. All individuals, together with their leaders, create an effective, responsible, or irresponsible, organisation. We want to promote good practice publicly, encouraging companies to have more responsible and effective operations.
Vision of the HORUS award
The vision of the HORUS award is to become a leading Slovenian award concerned with balanced and innovative social responsibility. IRDO’s archive of awarded award-winning companies will soon become a library of Slovenian good-practice examples of social responsibility; it will be an indispensable reference source of knowledge and recognition in this field.
Goals of the HORUS award
• Public awareness about the meaning/importance of social responsibility;
• Promotion of socially responsible companies’ practice long term;
• Education about the latest practices of social responsibility in Slovenian and foreign companies;
• Awarding the most socially responsible organisations;
• Publishing a manual with examples of good practice of social responsibility.
The Horus name
Why did we choose the name HORUS for the Slovenian award for social responsibility?
HORUS is a god which represents the higher consciousness about the planet Earth and is responsible for human development; that is why he was chosen as a symbol for the Slovenian social responsibility award.
HORUS is one of the ancient and most famous Egyptian gods. The Egyptian word “her” (hor, har), from which the name origins, means “the one from above” or “distant one”. In mythology, HORUS was presented as a divine falcon. It is also symbolically presented as a stylized eye – the symbol of the falcon eye. The eye has become a symbol for integrity, health, firmness and perfection.
The HORUS sign
Permanent development is always linked with the colour green. Green and blue have always symbolized the planet Earth. This is represented as the pupil in symbolized Horus eye. We can also see the upper and lower “pupil” as hands which are hugging the world. We can understand the eye symbol as the eye of God which watches the Earth, us – or the eye of every one of us which reflects the Earth and everything we do with it – good and bad.