Apply for the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2017!
Whoever has not yet included social responsibility in their strategy falls behind the modern progress and competitiveness. These days it is increasingly required for legal entities to be aware of the impact they have on their environment and society, and on the other hand, the impacts the environment and society has on them. This interdependence and integrity of the society are main parts of the social responsibility (SR) concept, which is increasingly practiced by successful companies, institutions and other organizations. The concept of social responsibility is also part of significant European documents and guidelines.
Global companies have recognized that social responsibility action brings several benefits, such as:
- greater recognition and reputation by the media, the general public, customers, suppliers and business partners,
- greater work motivation, loyalty of the employees, less absenteeism and fluctuation,
- more suggestions for innovation and improvement of business operation,
- acquisition of new business opportunities, suppliers, more purchases and higher consumer loyalty,
- more rational use of resources and thus costs reduction
- more profit at the end of the year.
You are kindly invited to apply for the Slovenian Social Responsibility Award – Horus 2015. The call is aimed at enterprises (micro, small, medium, large, and social enterprises) and institutions, entrepreneurs with Slovenian roots, doing business outside Slovenia, and journalist, as well as other organizations and individuals who practice social responsibility. We are searching for and awarding comprehensive (requisitely holistic) approaches to social responsibility practiced by legal entities and individuals.
The Call was published by IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, PRRS – Slovenian Society for Public Relations and SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency, in partnership with numerous professional organizations on June 15, 2015. The honorary patron of Slovenian Social Responsibility Award HORUS 2015 is Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia.
- The specialized questionnaire coordinated with the guidelines of ISO26000 and other crucial documents on social responsibility will help you analyze your situation on CSR and prepare a report about it for independent assessors.
- Additional 2 hours of free consulting about submission of applications and /or enforcement, the creation or renewal of the CSR strategy in your company, institution or other organization.
- Indirect education of key personnel on CSR, knowledge of best practices of other companies and institutions that can improve your business.
- More media attention to your organization
- The possibility of receiving the prize Horus 2017 and /or recognition of Finalist Horus 2017 status, including your free use of the logo Horus 2015 will increase the reputation of your legal person in public, among your employees, consumers and business partners.
- Free participation in a seminar Horus 2017 (September 20, 2017), where you will learn all the essential information on the application of CSR in your business environment.
- 20% discount on the entry fee, if you are members of the organizers or of the partners of the project.
Who is invited to apply for HORUS?
- Companies (traditional, social enterprises) and institutions,
- Slovenian business organizations / entrepreneurs abroad ,
- Journalists and
- Socially responsible individuals and organizations.
We invite you to participate in HORUS project with your examples of good practice! Documents of the Call for each category of applicants and other information about the project, project partners and the call can be found here. Send the application by 25 September, 2015 to the IRDO mailing address in one printed and one electronic copy of the printed version (kindly find more information in the Call).
We look forward to your participation in the HORUS 2015 and the promotion of your examples of good practices to the Slovenian public!
- Awardees of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2024 are known December 10, 2024
- Awardees of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2023 are known December 14, 2023
- Awardees of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2022 are known December 16, 2022
- Awardees of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2021 are known December 10, 2021
- Call for the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2021 is open July 5, 2021
- Awardees of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2020 are known December 3, 2020
- Call for the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2020 is open October 15, 2020
- Awardees of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2019 are known December 17, 2019