(Ljubljana, December 4 2014) IRDO – Institute for the development of social responsibility and PRSS – Slovenian Association for Public Relations, under auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor and in partnership cooperation with 20 professional interest organizations, announced on 4 December 2014 in the Crystal Palace in Ljubljana the recipients of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2014. In the category ‘enterprises’ the award HORUS 2014 was attained by: among the micro/small enterprises: Saubermacher – Komunala Murska Sobota d.o.o., among the mid-sized enterprises: DOSOR, dom starejših občanov d.o.o., among the big enterprises: Lidl d.o.o. kd., and among the social enterprises: Razvojna zadruga Etri, ekologija, ergonomija in ekonomija, z.o.o., so.p. The award HORUS 2014 in the category institutions was given to Bolnišnica Sežana. The special HORUS award and recognition for the entrepreneur with Slovenian roots working abroad was granted to Gábor Ropos – Hungary. Special HORUS recognition for journalists was awarded to the team Jana Vidic, Nataša Zanuttini and Jerneja Jevševar (Val 202 radio team) and Edita Cetinski Malnar (RTV Slovenija). The general HORUS award was granted to Dr. Darja Piciga.