The winners of the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility HORUS 2021 have been announced

The awards and recognitions ceremony was held virtually on December 10, 2021.


(Ljubljana, 10 December 2021) Today, IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, in cooperation with numerous supporting partners, awarded the Slovenian Horus Award for Social Responsibility for the 13th time in a row. The award ceremony was held virtually. Nine legal entities and individuals competed for the Slovenian Horus Award for Social Responsibility 2021. The Horus 2021 Strategic Award in the category of for-profit legal entities was awarded to Saubermacher – Komunala Murska Sobota d.o.o. and Nova kreditna banka Maribor d.d. Recognition for  the Horus 2021 project in the category of for-profit legal entities was received by  SSI Schaefer d.o.o. and Primera skupina d.o.o., the finalist was also the company Press Clipping d.o.o. In the category of non-profit legal entities, a special recognition was given to VDC Polž Maribor. A special recognition in the general category was given to: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marjan Skalicky, MD, Nataša Grom Jerina and the Cultural Educational Society PiNA. The Special Strategist of the Year 2021 award for social responsibility and sustainable development was received  by Saša Vidmar, Corporate Communications Consultant and CSR Coordinator from Lidl Slovenija d.o.o. k.d.

Applications were sent for evaluation in November to 12 independent experts, who were appointed from the ranks of the organisers, project support partners, experts and other members of the public. The evaluation took place in two rounds, in order to be among the finalists,  the candidates had to collect at least 51% of all possible points, which means that they actually competed with themselves, regardless of the number of candidates in the category. Emphasis was placed on comprehensive approaches to social responsibility, activities and monitoring of effects. The jury announced 9 finalists and awarded two stone prizes (strategic awards), five prizes in the form of drawings (projects) and several special recognitions, including for the Strategist of the Year 2021, which is new this year. The prizes and recognitions themselves will be received by the winners and the finalist in person and/or by post in the following days.

The Chair of the Horus Award 2021 Evaluation Committee was Tatjana Fink, MBA, who said at the ceremony: “The Horus Award has become traditional and fulfils its broad mission in relation to wider social development. It promotes and motivates organizations and individuals to contribute to the development of the wider social community and environment.” The members of the evaluation committee who did the work voluntarily were: Breda Vodopija, Tatjana Šeneker, mag. Natalie C. Postružnik, Marija Gale, MSc, Alenka Zelenič, MSc. Vesna Lešnik Štefotič, Matej Mušič, Monika Rajšp, Lan Wudler, mag. Danijela Kocuvan, Karidia Toure Zagrajšek.

Upon receiving the Horus Award, the awardees said:

“Receiving the Horus Award is another confirmation for Saubermacher – Komunala that ‘We create a healthy environment’ in a socially responsible way,” has said Drago Dervarič, director of Saubermacher – Komunala Murska Sobota d.o.o.

“Sustainable development is one of the priority business orientations of the Nova KBM Group, as financial institutions have a significant impact on the economy, society and the environment. Through our activities, we want to be an active supporter of society and contribute to a higher quality of life and development of both the local and national environment. We are proud that our surroundings recognize our actions and present us with an award that serves as a sign that we are successful on our path to contributing to a better society,” said John Denhof, President of the Management Board of Nova KBM d.d.

Since 2009, 40 professional interest organizations and media, co-financers, have participated in the Horus project, more than 90 experts from various disciplines have been evaluated, and more than 200 different candidates have participated – from companies, institutes, non-governmental organizations, to individuals. Since the creation of the Horus Award, Marko and Marika Pogačnik have been producing unique works of art, full of positive vibes designed to encourage the successful performance of the HORUS awardees. This is how a mosaic of knowledge, values and cooperation was created, which strengthens the development of social responsibility in Slovenia.

Professor Emeritus, two-time Dr. Matjaž Mulej, President of the IRDO Expert Council and Chairman of the Expert and Organizational Committee of the Horus Award, told the audience at the ceremony: “Recent data on how much money, e.g. from EU and other sources, is misused by some Slovenes, shows that it makes sense to continue the HORUS campaign. The same is true of the once unusual training for SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ADMINISTRATORS. We help people understand that it pays to take into account interdependence, thus striving for as much integrity as possible and taking responsibility for their impact on society. In this way, we prevent many dangerous consequences. We would like to thank all this year’s winners and participants of the IRDO Institute’s campaigns for participating in this effort with their examples. Together, we are helping to save humanity today and tomorrow.« More about this is published in this year’s Horus 2021 compendium, where the finalists and winners of this competition are also presented:

The award would certainly not have existed if it had not been supported for many years by numerous supporting partners, such as: the Slovenian Public Relations Association, the Slovenian Employers’ Association, the Manager Association, the Styrian Chamber of Commerce, the American Chamber of Commerce, the Slovenian Marketing Association, the Slovenian Journalists’ Association of Slovenia, the Slovenian Association for Sustainable Development, the Slovenian Association for Quality and Excellence, the Institute Centre for Information,  cooperation and development of non-governmental organizations, the Association of Social Economy of Slovenia and others. This year, the project is co-financed by the Youth Office of the Republic of Slovenia. The media monitoring partner is Press Clipping.#

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